RoadBotics is now Michelin Better Roads
As part of the MICHELIN group, Michelin Better Roads is at the forefront of transforming mobility with automated pavement assessments. Our goal is simple: Help communities pave a better way forward by making data-driven road maintenance more accessible and efficient.
With nearly 1 million miles of roads analyzed, we are a trusted partner in pavement condition analysis. Our proprietary machine learning technology identifies and analyzes pavement degradation to provide governments and engineers with clear, actionable insights to enhance road quality.
Getting started is easy. Just download our collection app, mount your smartphone on the windshield, and drive your road network. Want to find out more? Explore our solution below.
Automated Road
We make automating your road assessment easy! Using our collection app, we help you visualize and analyze your roads with ratings generated by artificial intelligence. Let us show you how!
Over 300 communities have used Michelin Better Roads to automate their assessments, saving time and resources in the process. Learn how our solutions made their lives easier.
Enterprise Partner
Michelin Better Roads’ Enterprise Partner Program equips civil engineering firms with our road assessment solution and condition data.